
Join us and become a CCPA member today. Your voice is important to us. There is so much work to be done and with your participation we can accomplish much more together than we can individually. We are so much stronger together!

Membership Benefits:

  • The right to vote and hold office in accordance with CCPA Constitution and By-Laws;
  • Gratis attendance at the quarterly CCPA dinner/lecture meetings;
  • Access to networking events and community service activities throughout the Chicagoland area. The CCPA sponsors annual community events and maintains a vibrant profile in areas it seeks most to serve;
  • The CCPA offers an ongoing mentorship program whereby members serve as role models for medical students, undergraduate students, high school students, etc.;
  • Legislative voice for the local government.

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Membership Criteria

The membership of CCPA shall consist of those physicians, students and associates who express commitment to the objectives of the CCPA.

The classifications of members shall be the same to the classifications of the National Medical Association.

  • There shall be six classifications of membership; Active, Associate, Post Graduate Physician, Resident/Fellow, Student and Emeritus.
  • Qualifications and criteria shall be as stipulated by the National Medical Association (NMA).
  • Active Membership shall be open to physicians licensed to practice medicine in any state or territory of the United States and in the District of Columbia. All CCPA members shall be members of the National Medical Association.
  • Associate Membership shall be Post graduate physicians and medical school students and persons with doctoral level degrees in health sciences, health services and health administration.
  • Good Standing: A member in good standing is one whose current dues are paid, who complies with the provisions of the Bylaws, has full voting rights and privileges.
  • Inactive, Reinstatement: A member who becomes inactive for nonpayment of dues may be reinstated to active status immediately upon payment of the current year’s dues.
  • Inactive members shall lose voting rights and all other privileges of membership.
  • Privileges of membership shall expire on December 31 and the member shall become inactive on March 31 of the year following the last year in which dues were paid.

Membership Application

All applicants (new and returning members) must complete the application below and pay dues.

IOS users (I-phone and I-Pad) and Safari users must disable “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking” mode in order to complete this form. See instructions here.

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Active membership in NMA may be achieved through national organization